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Baseball Dreams and Ocean Breezes

"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen" - Winnie the Pooh Taking a summer holiday in July has become our family's...

Snack Ideas

I'm going to say what every parent knows to be true - snacks rule my world. It's astonishing how much time has gone into 'snack...

Weekend Treat

Weekend schedules can become quite hectic around this time of year and during these moments of craziness I have to hold up the white flag...

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Last year at this time, I was on a countdown to turning 40 and I desperately wanted to press the brakes on time. I wasn't ready for a...

Nature Inspires Fashion

With autumn upon us, the bright colours of summer are beginning to fade. As we bid farewell to summer I want to dedicate this post to my...

Our Nova Scotia Adventure

“It’s all the little moments that make life a big adventure” Thirteen years had passed since we visited Nova Scotia. Our first trip was...

Featuring a Local Eatery

Friday nights are my night off from cooking. At the end of a busy week, I look forward to going out as a family for a nice meal. We...

Nature Inspires Fashion

Have you ever paused and looked at the nature surrounding you to realize the perfection in the colour combinations? It's something I...

Our Summer Road Trip

“Still, round the corner, there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.” – J. R. R. Tolkien Deciding to take a family road trip can feel...

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