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Writer's pictureVispa

Our Summer Road Trip

Updated: Aug 28, 2018

Still, round the corner, there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.” – J. R. R. Tolkien

Deciding to take a family road trip can feel daunting with young children. There are so many decisions to make – where to drive to, where to stay, and what to do - so that everyone will have a memorable experience. We set off to two destinations and had one ultimate family vacation. I will share how we did it and some of our most memorable moments.

Our Vision

Pour yourself a glass of wine and start dreaming. My husband and I always start by sharing how we want to feel during the vacation and what experiences will make this possible. This vacation was definitely going to be about

  • Indulging in great culinary experiences & natural scenery

  • Plenty of outdoor activities to have fun with the kids

  • Comfortable (if not luxurious) lodgings for relaxation & downtime

Our Destination

Whether I am at a social gathering, a child’s soccer game, or a family affair, I’m always asking about people’s travel plans (past and present), regardless of whether I’m planning a trip or not. I love hearing about people’s experiences and then keeping a catalog of places I may someday want to visit.

From our starting point in #Toronto, we would drive to a destination that was 7-8 hours away (not including stops). We brainstormed a list of potential destinations which included

  • Quebec City, Quebec

  • Chicago, Illinois

  • Washington, DC

  • Jersey Shore, New Jersey

  • Stowe, Vermont

Our Decision

Although we plan to visit Chicago and Washington someday, they weren't the experiences we were looking for this summer. We had been to Quebec City a few summers ago and absolutely loved it, but we wanted a new adventure. That left us with two options - Jersey Shore and Stowe. After much research and playing the 'pros & cons' game with each other we decided Stowe would be our destination. It had the added bonus that we could do a bit of research about the skiing options in Vermont while we were visiting. Our long distance also had us contemplate a stop in Montreal on the way to Stowe. It would also help ease us into vacation mode with great food and scenery.

Montreal, Quebec

We stayed at #hotelstsulpice in Old Montreal. A luxurious hotel and family friendly.

#Montreal street scenes.

Oh the food choices! A gastronomic adventure, featuring our very favourite spots. #portus360mtl #LeRobinSquare #maisonchristianfaure #tommymontreal

The final adventure in Montreal thrilled the kids. #voilesenvoiles

Stowe, Vermont

Paradise found #edsonhillvt

It's all about the attention to details.

So much to enjoy and just steps from our room.

The kids first time fishing. A great experience with The Fly Rod Shop (

Our favorite moment of fishing was when our son declared:

"That bass named Bob is going down!"

Our hiking trek led us through a marsh. Can you spot the frog?

Every walk was picture worthy in Stowe. #recreationpath

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